Friday, 20 March 2015

Online Counselling Training in Portsmouth

I imagine that you are reading this because you may want to pursue a career in counselling, or at least find out more.  Did you know that anyone can call themselves a counsellor?  It’s a bit scary.  Any person could put a plaque up on their garden shed, ‘The counsellor is in’ – and start seeing clients.
Of course, reputable people will seek counselling training to ensure that they gain some expertise and get some practice, before seeing their first paying client.  How then, do you choose a counselling course?

The first caution is to find a course that has been recognised, that is ‘accredited’ by a worthy organisation, eg the University of Surrey, or the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).  If they have had a good look at the curriculum, the student intake and the tutor group, then you can rely on that course.

Another way to ensure that your counselling training is bonafide is the intake requirements.  Is the course just accepting anyone and everyone who can pay their fees?  I would be wary of that.  However, if the course joining criteria mean that the tutors are selective about the students they take, then I would be reassured.

There are many courses around and if you find a good one, then you will find the content and its requirements of you to be challenging, thought provoking and a little uncomfortable.
But counselling is a very worthwhile career and worth the early tribulations.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Mediation services for unsettled families

Mediation is a proven way of addressing difficulties in relationships. Whether difficulties arise either between a manager and an employee, or between two colleagues working together. These difficulties may include different attitudes, clashes of personality and conflict issues.

We understand very well that these differences bring unnecessary stress and burden to any team or individual. But now you do not have to worry at all as Mediation services Portsmouth is here to provide you permanent solutions to all such problems.

We are a specialized counselling UK who take care of your problem with utmost care.
The Mediation services Portsmouth will provide you a mediator who will meet both the parties separately and will get into the areas of strife in order to achieve a level of compatibility.

Our counselling courses UK are reliable and trustworthy, run by certified national counselling society (MNCS) accredited counsellors.

We also conduct regular mediation reviews to ensure the status and the progress and also focuses on the results which needs to be accomplished and how much time will be taken to achieve them.

Apart from the above stated methods, there is another way in which mediation is undertaken, and this helps with Family Estrangement, in which first of all the parties are attended one to one basis, and then a joint meeting when the parties are ready to reunite.
Phone 02392 504030 for more details, in confidence and without obligation.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Information About Counselling Courses Online

Today, courts are inundated with commercial disputes. There are many reasons for this including the economic burden that companies and individuals face. The cost of going to court over a dispute is usually high and if a business is already ailing, this puts additional pressure on.  Also, the process of litigation often interferes with the capacity to carry on with the regular business. Mediation can be the solution to these problems. In this process, a mediator is chosen who acts in an impartial manner to facilitate talks and negotiations between two voluntary parties. Mediation is a completely confidential procedure, so each party who attends has to sign a confidentiality agreement. With this guarantee  of confidentiality, both parties can discuss issues without inhibition.

In the first session, both parties along with their (optional) legal support will talk about their side of the case in the presence of a mediator. The next phase is for the mediator to discuss the issues separately with both parties. Again a joint session is conducted and points are discussed. This process is repeated until the parties are satisfied or until they decide to go for litigation. List of firms or individuals who provide mediation services can be chosen from the list provided by the mediation accreditation site search. The chief benefits of choosing mediation over litigation are the reduced cost and the shorter time frame. Also, the process is not in the public domain.

The parties who choose the path of mediation derive an additional benefit that the process is non- confrontational. Parties can still maintain a good defined relationship after the process. The management counselling courses online is one of the stress areas that can be counselled and you will find a great relief of frustrations and standoffs to be able to discuss and sort the issue for once and for all.   That is the aim and in the vast majority of cases, mediation does sort the issue.  Anger can lead to dangerous health problems, if it goes out of control, so buildup is best avoided. If anger is a regular feeling and comes out naturally and unknowingly, this type of anger can also be controlled through anger management counselling. There are these kinds of anger management training methods that can even control your anger. So check out Charterhouse Counselling now, to have a peace of mind and calm. Once you are been counselled, the root cause for any issue can be sorted out and treated accordingly. This theory is a proven one and logical:  if a disease is not treated, but just the symptom alone, then it is clear that the symptom will be back in a few days. But instead of treating the symptom, if the root cause of the symptom itself is treated then this would be the full remedy. Otherwise, it stays incomplete. Likewise, even when it comes to mental stress, there are many symptoms which can be experienced. But employee counselling can find the root cause of it and erase it. Go for a counsellor who can give you that confidence and feeling of ease to make your sessions effective. So go for the best available solution in your area and choose a counsellor who makes you feel comfortable.